
Tuesday, 10 December 2013

Lali Lite progress 90%

Concerning the next comic, I am currently posing and rendering scene 6 and 7 of 8 scenes! It is going to be fucking hilarious! I cannot wait to show it to you all, hopefully by Dec 20. It sucks that I need money to eat otherwise I'd put it up for free! Anyway, here are a few, renders. I cannot show you some of the best because there are a few surprises... hihi!!!

(the one at the bottom was a test render, there are some poke-throughs)




  1. I would have commented much earlier but I am just out of a big stretch of workload.
    Those renders make my mouth water! I can almost imagine what they must be saying...
    My favourites in the bunch would be 031 and the kiss.
    So looking forward to this! I hope you're doing well out there!

    1. hehehe I'm also lookign forward to it!! I'm doing quite ok, just stressing a it about how SLOW my computers are ploughing through these last scenes. Hope you get through your workload quickly.

  2. Looks good.

    Also makes a refreshing difference from the 'chix with dix' - 'Monster sex' & 'bondage' comix.

    1. lol, 'normal' chix looking for normal dix! thanks :)

  3. E, did I say somewhere that I was rigid with anticipation?? Still am! Across the river and thru the trees to Lali's house before Christmas!! Good stuff, bubba….

    1. I am also rigid with... caffeine!!! going slow, but going steady! Hope you get to see it a.s.a.p!


Hey, because of a sudden influx of spam, I need to moderate comments from now on, unfortunately. I'll try find a work-around in the meanwhile. Cheers!