
Saturday, 21 December 2013

Comic Update - Mmmmmassive scenes

Ok as you noticed I did NOT make the 20th... rub it in! But hopefully worth the delay. Like mentioned elsewhere, the renders slowed down dramatically when I started rendering the last scenes. The scenes are massive! So I'm now pushing my PCs to the max!

Here are some previews!!


  1. Not completed by the 20th? meh... doesn't matter because quality is what counts.
    All those scenes look terrific ~ can't believe you even used volumetrics... you're a sucker for punishment.
    Have a great Christmas Ero.

    1. yeah that's what I figured too. Iw as rushing things so badly that I began to see flaws here and there. Luckily the backtracking isn't that much.

      Punishment... yeah, it has to do with Lali. I don't wanna see my Lali in a shit render. Having said that, I am always learning, and the temptation it great to go back and redo ALL the previous renders after learning something just now!!!

  2. That's one hell of a set up. Three running Poser, a forth networked, and 2 for browsing. Very envious.
    I don't rub it in, but I can see how a set up like that demands progress.
    Damn it, I need to get my shit together.

    1. you entirely missed the beer dude!!! the central piece of equipment!! ;)

      its just 4 computers, two with dual screen setups (left and right). Wait until you hear how I finished this comic (hopefully in a few days), you'll either laugh, cry, or shit your pants :D hihi

    2. Oh I saw the beer. Needs a Fuggin Awesome Beer! label

  3. Don't blow a fuse or a gasket or a processor, E; I, for one, have the patience of Job when it comes to sweet Lali. And I plan to laugh, cry, AND shit my pants!! :D

    1. hehehe, well the batteries powering my PC are mounted in the car, so the blown gasket hypothesis is not that far fetched. Yeah I am rendering in a tent now :P long story haha. I'll post an update just now.

  4. Cool screen collection! I have only 3 (2 on main i7 system and 3rd on a netbbook which runs 24/7 as part of cloud backup.)

    If you ever do a REAL Lili lite, I'd like a simple pose for her face only, and perhaps her tits only. Often I don't use the genitals.


Hey, because of a sudden influx of spam, I need to moderate comments from now on, unfortunately. I'll try find a work-around in the meanwhile. Cheers!