
Tuesday, 9 April 2019

Disco Dragon 3 released!

Yes ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, fellow artists and esteemed pervs! It is with great pleasure that I present to you The Disco Dragon part 3, as it is now available in the Renderotica store!!! The time for feeling sorry for myself is finally over lol! 

Lali finally continues her quest to get her nerdy housemate, Christina, laid. How far does she get, who will she involve, and how far will she go to complete her mission?? In any case, be prepared to see lots of naked girls, silly banter, pussies, willies, giggling, naughtiness, antics, using my latest versions of my girls and their delicious assets.

If you liked it, be sure to drop a rating on the product page at Renderotica! Feel free to leave a review here or on my Deviant Art Page. I really hope you enjoy it. I'm back in action, and I hope I can follow up soon with part 4!!!

For your information, in the near-ish future I will be re-structuring my comic, especially their names. Since I started off completely inexperienced and with a plan that kept changing as I grew, many of my comic titles don't make much sense, like 'Lali Lite' being actually larger than Lali's Black Desk comics, and Lali's Black Desk comics need their own grouped main title: "Black Desk Series". I will also create some new bundles relevant to these series. Once DD4 comes out I will provide the whole Disco Dragon Series as a bundle and I will make sure that all previous purchasers of the DD2 and 3 will get the DD4 at the same discount as the people getting the future bundle. I will first test the messaging system before doing this though.

After the DD4 I will go straight into Sen's first comic, which, like with the DD3 and 4, I've been DYING to finish. I'm not sure how long Sen's comic will take but I hope to be able to also do one other comic by December this year, but we'll see!

But for now, Disco Dragon 3 ladies and gentlemen!!!

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Hey, because of a sudden influx of spam, I need to moderate comments from now on, unfortunately. I'll try find a work-around in the meanwhile. Cheers!