
Wednesday, 27 February 2019

Disco Dragon 4 very likely

Production of the Disco Dragon 3 is coming along nicely (ignore 2016-2018), but its going so well that the projection is over 600 pages!! So I think I'll need to split it up. Don't worry, I won't make you wait for part 4. I will wait until both parts are done, and then release them a week apart or something. I'll make sure that the pricing is fair.

(edit: the initial plan was actually to have four parts, but because of the massive delay I didn't want to keep you waiting any longer than needed. But since the production flows over directly into the intended part 4, I might as well keep it that way. It won't be long now!!)


  1. Looking forward to this, whether 1 comic or 2, so much! It's been too long. Also glad to hear that there will be new stuff for PE & TAB, as those are important to the site that I work with. (And I think our animator was going to share some animation he did with one of our PE-based characters.) Keep us posted... Frequently!


Hey, because of a sudden influx of spam, I need to moderate comments from now on, unfortunately. I'll try find a work-around in the meanwhile. Cheers!