
Thursday, 19 January 2017

Don't blame porno!!!! James Hetfield STFU!

Just when I was trying to figure out how many porno bans need to fail to make people realize that it really doesn't get us anywhere, my all-time hero starts doing some really stupid shit.

Can people please stop being so fucking immature? What is this world coming to when your old time hero starts bashing porno? James Fucking Hetfield I am talking about! Yes the "open-legs-for-a-different-view" Hetfield! 

Apparently James Hetfield had a porn addiction and is now going around the world saying that porn is the cause of that. What the entire fuck man? Hetfield, bro, even I had a porn addiction, but I had the common sense not to blame porn for that! Weren't you the one that wrote the song "The God that failed"? Remember that that was about? Yeah, horrible subject, but can you not tie two and two together? Hashtag oppression? 

Its not about men or women; its about sex, you idiot! My father was a product of the oppressive 50s, he has a sex addiction, and his mind is fucking warped in that regard. I have NO problem babbling about this online. Thankfully all that crap went past me in my upbringing, we all thought he was some whacked out hippie naturist. Even when I stumbled on his porn stash I shrugged and can barely remember the pictures. 

Oh I'm a porn artist am I? No, I am an erotica artist, which is very different (much to the dismay to some of my fans :D ). I drew my own porn when I was 14, lost my virginity when I was 14, bought my first mags when I was 15 (I think)... since then I didn't give a particular fuck about porn really...

... until I hit university. I had a girlfriend, porn flooded in by floppy disk (that soon turned hard), CD and then DVD, and all through the internet, I had sex coming from everywhere. But really? 'Porn addiction'? Bro my whole class suffered from it. We ALL DOWNLOADED IT! I know girls that downloaded it even. It was the norm. Dude really?

So anyway, I cured myself from my "porn addiction" by writing a C# application that automatically downloaded GIGABYTES of jpegs per second. The first debug test resulted in a library of millions of pictures that I still haven't seen all to this day... mainly because I got bored of it, and I realized it was all about the taboo, the naughtiness, the challenge even. (wasn't porno once considered some form of political rebellion?)

Since then I sometimes have a peek at porn, the most I download is gifs with repeating motions of which I sometimes long for with my girlfriend over in the UK. But dude, brother Hetfield, porn is a man's thing. We're visual animals. We need to see the thing happening. Girls love the feeling, but we need to see it going in, and out, and in. Next time you fuck a girl, watch how she has her eye's closed and you're looking at your junk entering her. How is that a problem?

Man man man. I think I like Donald Trump, just being the asshole he is. Why? because all of this political correctness is really making me sick. Especially since it seems to have no basis in reality. This is not some sexist retort. For the love of Christ I have more female friends that male, I am the TRUE ladies man, because I actually fucking respect them. I love women to pieces. I love talking to them, I love fucking them. But what few stupid people seem to know is that women are also sexual beings like men are. WOMEN LOVE SEX TOO!!!!!!

There is a dynamic between men and women that porno might obscure a bit, but you have to have grown up under a fucking rock to think that porno is the guidebook to this interaction!!!!! You're not suffering from a porn addiction, you're suffering from bad education! All you need to do is listen to a woman about her ideas about sex and you're ok! Oh wait, you've been taught to ignore women? Women are second-rate citizens? Oh is that a Porno problem? No. fuck you, its probably a religious problem! ISIS strikes again! Blame your local parish, blame your school, blame your parents. But leave porno out of it! 

Grow up man! Respect for women is in your head, not your dick.

The best porno movie I've watched was a flick between two well-known porno actors that were clearly fucking for joy. That was more spiritually satisfying to watch than all the religious scriptures combined over the last millennia. 

In other words, to blame your addiction on porn is like blaming your hunger on food. Just because you were starving at one point doesn't make it ok to blame your local supermarket for your suffering.

Hetfield, get a grip dude. Poke a drumstick up Lars if you're so frustrated. But please, chill out man. Metal up YOUR ass!

EDIT: I watched the "cardboard butterfly" thing, and I agree that education is imperative... but it needs to involve TRUTH! Who we are as a species, what we seek, what we desire, and yes, that is youth. Sorry it just is. Its nature, its evolution. The good news is that you're not the only one suffering from it. We all suffer from being human. Men and women alike. Youth is a curse that that we will all suffer from in time... (my art just postpones it in the safe confines of fantasy)


  1. I agree entirely with your reaction to Hetfield's nonsense. Also, for a man who stated once that he doesn't like people "soapboxing their opinion", he is doing quite poorly...
    The bit about Trump though... that guy is not "politically incorrect", he's just a misogynic, racist, gun-toting, moneymonger asshole. Basically, he firmly believes that being filthy rich gives him a right to say even the worst things without facing the music. Small people who go against a rigid set of morals and etiquette are "politically incorrect". It's a good thing, it's an important task, even. It once was the court jester's job description, to shove it all into the king's face. And he was untouchable about it too. Trump is no jester. Proof is, when the joke is on him, suddenly, he doesn't find it funny and start stomping around yelling "LIE! LIE! LIE!". A rich kid having a tantrum...
    Porn and erotica also serve, at different levels, as an exutory. They are like jesters with boobs, cocks and pussies. It's too late to go at war against them, as well as entirely pointless. I generally consider people who flame about porn and erotica to be unassuming bigots. The same thing is also common amongst homophobic people: a good percentage of them have repressed gay tendencies or curiosities and are just expressing a form of denial.
    I will paraphrase one of my favourite stand-up comedians, Sammy Count of Bouderbalah, and simply say:
    "I have a dream in which all morons, racists and bigots take each other's hand... and jump together from the cliff."

  2. I could not agree more with this post! Chances are that whatever you are addicted to, does not get up and walk over to you and say 'use me'.

  3. In the Dark Ages, people said "The Devil told me to!"
    Now they blame Rocco Siffredi and Gina Gerson...


Hey, because of a sudden influx of spam, I need to moderate comments from now on, unfortunately. I'll try find a work-around in the meanwhile. Cheers!