
Tuesday, 15 October 2013

Lali and the girls: webcam announcement!

I made this small fun comic just for fun and posted it on Art of Darkness. A little like the Date with Texboy series, I let it be directed by the member's comments. Fun fun!

Some really cool comments from the guys over at AoD... 

More comments BEGGING for their titties (hahaha) and one mentioning that they should do it without making them look like brainless sluts, you know, talking about music and literature...


  1. So fucking full of win! Most excellent :D

  2. OK. I think I've figured out exactly what your doing.
    For years there was some good 3D erotica that didn't really go anywhere (no context/story), and there were interesting series of 3D art (comics) that lacked decent skills to render them properly.
    What you are doing is taking the best aspects from both and turning it into the best of both worlds, ie. outstanding 3D quality combined with killer stories, and there's a huge market for that IMO.
    Above all that, you've given you characters unique stories, histories and personalities - never done before.
    You could find yourself making a mint if you play your cards right.

    1. thanks fred! and indeed well spotted. Although it wasn't initially my goal, I inadvertently drove myself that way because I felt like it was lacking in other 3D art!

      And yeah, believable women are soooo much more erotic than just brainless sexdolls!!

  3. I enjoyed that, it was really fun to read and goes to show that erotica does not have to be full of hardcore or perverted sex to be successful either. Thanks for the comic.

    1. hehe yeah, similar to what I said above, I believe only showing and playing with the physical looks of women is a shame because its half the fun! cheers!

  4. I like Christina
    She likes Star Wars xD

    Nice small comic ;)

    1. hehe thanks, I'm thinking of perhaps elaborating on that a little in future comics

  5. Hahaha, this was fun. Love your imagination, man. Your girls feel so real. And you always do a killer job on matching their expressions with their dialogue, reinforcing it. Thanks for sharing.

    1. and thanks for the complements bro!!! coming from you especially!


Hey, because of a sudden influx of spam, I need to moderate comments from now on, unfortunately. I'll try find a work-around in the meanwhile. Cheers!