
Wednesday, 5 June 2013

Getting horny now...

Hey guys n gals, I just wanted to share my excitement about developing my babes for the next comic 'Lali Lite: The Gentlemen's Club'. For those that don't know what a 'Lali Lite' is, its a simpler and shorter comic that fits into Lali's main storyline but doesn't carry it.

I thought it up because my main comics usually take forever to make, and hopefully these Lali Lites will be a bit quicker and make up for time lost on Lali's Bits. Themes of Lali Lites will be mostly flashbacks and little sub-plots to the main story where Lali works and does questionable things for the FIS (Fox Intelligence Services). In the Lali Lites you'll get to meet new characters that are otherwise not related to the main story (like Julie, Lali's bisexual friend from college), or will only get involved at a later stage (like Laila, Lali's younger sister). If you wanna know more about Laila, I've updated Lali's bio a little bit.. 

I know, I know I should be working on the Lali Bits update. But I hope you won't mind me taking a tiny break from Lali's Bits. I've been at it for too long and I've been dying to work on my comics. But I promise it will come.

So about the girls: ok I fixed Lali's texture. It's slightly less splodgy, but her nice big Mediterranean eyebrows and beauty mark on her cheek are still there. I reshaped her boobies as we're going back a few years for this Lali Lite. Slightly firmer. You might have noticed her hair changes every now and then. She had her hair straighter and the split more to the side when she was younger and graduating from college (we're talking 20 years old, don't worry). For the rest she remains untouched.

Ok so then we have her sister Laila. I gave her a slightly gentler and more feminine look than you've seen in previous renders. You can see the sisters both have nice curves but Lali is just a little more pudgy than Laila. Laila has puffier nipples and cup B.

Laila also sports nice pubes. This is a project I don't want to tell too much about, but I'll keep you posted on where that's going.

You'll see that Laila will always have a slightly reserved aura about her, especially in the presence of others, particularly around Lali, her big sister. I'll leave you to wonder why. But alone or with others, Laila becomes more daring.

Her gothic look might betray these sentiments a bit, not that being Gothic means anything in particular, but... you get what I mean ;)

Then we have the gentle giant Julie. Well, maybe not a giant but she's definitely a bit taller than the sisters. From Dutch origins she meets Lali in college in Washington, during which, her bisexual feelings gradually evolve and Lali is allowed to be the subject of her exploration, Laila perhaps too ;) 

So, in short, I cannot wait to get this Lali Lite out as it is also an experiment to see how much personality I can pack into a fun-filled little comic about a couple of bored girls getting up to no good in their last week as foreign exchange students in Cambridge... and dragging goody two-shoes Laila along with them... :D

Oh and just as a teaser (because I am an asshole) these are the emoticons I have in my runtimes for Lali v3.23, Laila v3.23, Julie v3.23 and ... wait... who's that?



  1. Fantastic work Ero! I can't wait to see what the girls get up to. hehehe. And something new has been added! Yay!

    Big naked, sweaty, cuddles to all the girls ( a fella can dream can't he). LOL

  2. I'm hopeing you're able to get back to the main Lali comic soon because I kind of feel as if it has plenty more to unfold.

  3. Woot, E! a new member of the gang!


Hey, because of a sudden influx of spam, I need to moderate comments from now on, unfortunately. I'll try find a work-around in the meanwhile. Cheers!