
Thursday, 30 May 2013

Date with TexBoy1231 (Complete series)

Here are all the pictures from the spontaneous series I posted over at Art of Darkness. It started as a joke, teasing TexBoy1231, but then I couldn't resist responding to the comments...

Check the original thread for the comments. So much fun.

On a date with TexBoy:


  1. Best set ever! Do we know who these characters are if we get your comics off of rotica... I mean besides Lali that is.

  2. Really awesome, love the window part :D

  3. I tell you what, E: ol' Texboy is proud to be associated with you and Lali; hell, bubba, you make me look like my younger self in these pix. If you were here, I'd give you a manly hug, and we'd open a bottle of Texas wine. Onward, lad!

  4. And the new blog layout looks grand!


Hey, because of a sudden influx of spam, I need to moderate comments from now on, unfortunately. I'll try find a work-around in the meanwhile. Cheers!