
Friday, 29 March 2013

Emails, and DAZ version take two

Hi people, fans, customers, fellow artists!

I've been kind of hiding for the past week, rendering a bit here and there, also busy with renovations here at home. Now that I have an Uninterrupted Power Supply to back up and protect my PCs, I have no excuse to delay stuff any more hehehe.

I was kind of hoping that some DAZ user would come along and solve all the Lali Bits issues for the DS version, but alas it seems that every one is too busy! The one that offered help is definitely still interested but he has other obligations, quite serious ones too.

So Ken and I are at it again, and I hope to god that we find a solution very soon because its been putting my life on hold and its annoying me!... plus I'm sure the're plenty of DS users eager to buy it. If we cannot replicate the python injection, I hope DS users are OK with settling for the ExP system. This means you'll need to start a new V4 and re-inject all your favourite morphs. However, once it is out, in whatever form, I am begging DS users to help each other out with troubleshooting because I know very very little about DS! You can use my blog to post stuff obviously.

I got a number of emails regarding some Lali bits errors and troubleshooting, I'll try answer all of them tomorrow. Sorry for the delay.

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Hey, because of a sudden influx of spam, I need to moderate comments from now on, unfortunately. I'll try find a work-around in the meanwhile. Cheers!