
Tuesday, 12 February 2013

Done. Proofing now

Lali's Bits v1.0 ............. done
Manual ....................... done

Both are getting tested and proofed by maestro Ken as I am typing this. Manual still needs work but I'll supply and updated one later on. 

Ken says, so far so good:

  1. In Poser 8 created a V4.0 and V4.2 .......................... both work fine
  2. when loading from a saved CR2 fine
  3. Poser Pro 2012, V4.0 and V4.2 incl standard morphs... both work fine
  4. No creases
  5. No group jumbling
Looks like this is it. Just quickly make some promo shit, and off to the shop it goes!!!

You guys will not believe the last minute shit I had to do in the last two days. It works now, even the anal morphs have improved dramatically.I'll post a render just now...


  1. Hells to the yes!

  2. Poser is just about to become more fun.

  3. Best warn Andrew to prepare battle stations and brace for impact. If Renderotica's servers should go down I'll know people are downloading.

    1. I am joking of course. Renderotica has been much more stable than it was several years ago.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.


Hey, because of a sudden influx of spam, I need to moderate comments from now on, unfortunately. I'll try find a work-around in the meanwhile. Cheers!