
Friday, 18 January 2013

Giga Pussies, DP and hope for DAZ users

While I was busy making some additional morphs for the pussy prop, Zev0 from South Africa comes along and says, oh but its working fine in DAZ. So we're busy testing his version now and trying to figure out what's so different.

In the meanwhile I've seen that not only DAZ is being a wanker, but Poser too. If you save the thing to a complete CR2, Poser liberally kicks out a few morphs and dependencies. No fucking clue why... will try to fix that before we release it. Otherwise it will have to be an update. My God these programs are a fucking nightmare when you really need to get down and dirty. You're right Nakedfunn.

So now the good news: here's are some renders of a pussy morph (crazy labia) and some double penetration attempts. I made about ten new morphs that adjust the labia size, add a urethra (pee hole), adjust the clit size, ruffle and crumple variations on the labia. Below you can see one or two examples. The big pussy is a combo of different morphs.

The DP attempt will show you what I could squeeze out of (or into) Lali's Bits. Its not made for it, but you can get quite a decent result if you don't go too crazy on the penetration size. Since the pussy opens up to the rear (due to the pelvic bone being in front) the anus gets squashed and so you have to play around with the anal morphs to make it fit nicely. As you can see it is possible.

Below is also a comparison of the old V4 ass and the new Lali's Bits ass. Quite a dramatic change huh?

Ok that's it for now. cheers
PS: texture of the V4 is not included, but the system works with pretty much all textures, depending on how well the seams work in that area. I think this texture is Emma or something.


  1. Erogenesis, you are the motherfucking MAN! and I mean that in the best possible way.

    Look at that ugly bent ass from before, and to reflect of all of the years how many new models, upgrades, and body morphs how NO ONE, and I mean NO ONE, thought to do this.
    I'm serious you deserve a loud hardy clap, man hug, and manly pat on the back.

  2. A revolution in 3D Foo-Foo! Can't wait.....
    Well done Erogenesis!. :0)

  3. DAZ need to learn your work, never see a female or a male without genitals ... Angels may be ...

    Excelent work :D

    1. hehehe thanks, well I am this close to calling them and asking them... WTF??

  4. amazing what happens when you know what you're doing and we'll see how it is from .....
    fantastic just fantastic

  5. I am so impressed by your accomplishments on this thing. I've bought a lot of characters and pussy props, and none of them have ever looked this good. My only question involves the texturing. Is there a way to use your favorite texture for V4 with this prop and morphs? Or what? Thanks, man. I give you a virtual girl hug with lots of tit...

    1. whooaa, sorry nakedfunn. Man hugs are cool n stuff, but girl hugs just have that little bit 'extra', well, lots of it...

  6. Ooops. Now I see you answered that already...

  7. Man you're the KING!! You've accomplished what no one could ever accomplish, that is to make V4 look like a real lady, not like a storefront mannequinn!! Lali's Bits is surely the top item on my wishlist now and you certainly deserve a lifetime supply of beer!!

    1. hehehe thank you so much!!! very late I know, but still thanks! I hope Lali's Bits is working out for you!

  8. Man!! you sure as hell, are a genius. Your work is outstanding and you truly are dedicated in bringing out the true nature of a real female. It's not just Lali's Bits, it's everything!! You render her real in every possible way, she is funny, fresh, natural and cheeky beyond belief. Your renders and lighting are amazing!

    You rock my friend! Nothing like being out, in a continent like Africa to pick up the true, vibrant vitality of nature... it's contagious! Thanks for your generosity, skill and passion!!

    1. thank you so much for your epic complement! really, thanks so much!! :) I hope to keep you all entertained to the best of my ability for a long ass time!!!

  9. Karina Gens Prop over at ShareCG. Its not as vast as Lali's Bits, but its free:

  10. Karina Gens Prop over at ShareCG. Its not as vast as Lali's Bits, but its free:

  11. Hey its not at the site anymore where else can i get it?

    1. This one?

  12. Replies
    1. Karina @ ShareCG does have a vag prop for free, but not the bends from what I remember.


Hey, because of a sudden influx of spam, I need to moderate comments from now on, unfortunately. I'll try find a work-around in the meanwhile. Cheers!