
Friday, 12 June 2020

Images of Sen's kit in development

As I mentioned before, in the background I have been modeling some more detailed gear for Sen. Previously I was using some recycled V4 models, kit-bashed and chopped up to suit my needs. But now it's a lot more detailed, a little more primitive and more accurate to her environment. I'm mostly talking about her bracers and shin guards. I did make a nice cloak for her to wear at night and she rolls it up in a bundle on her back, alongside her bow and arrows and her sword. I also made a portable phallus (or as we call it: dildo). This dildo does have a certain role to play in her world aside from just self-pleasuring. Let's just say, they need to keep themselves 'trained'.... just in case.

If you're here from my WIX website (which I'll be ditching in the near future because of severe limitations) Xtina pic is in an older post!

Monday, 8 June 2020

Fun reviews over at Affect3D!!!

Check this out:

Disco Dragon Reviews Part 3 and 4 @ Affect3D

or more specifically:

Disco Dragon 3 review
Disco Dragon 4 review

edit: there's more!!

A bit of a spoiler warning though! I will admit, it's so much fun for me to see people so enthused by those comics!! 

Thanks everyone! <3

edit: a massive shout out to the reviewer Franaus who took the time to put this all together! Also definitely go check out the other titles.

Friday, 5 June 2020

What's ero up to in 2020

Well now. Ehm...

Ok first, I found out that fair number of people actually DO keep track of this blog lol! Total surprise to me. Also, I've been visiting a lot of pirate sites, and man I get a lot of glowing compliments there. Ehm, I miss out on all that, please let me know what you think here or at Deviant Art. I know my shit gets pirated to no end, and I'd rather you buy it obviously cuz I could use the cash, but I'm just happy people like it. Let me know what you think of my shit!

Anywhoo, about websites and Deviant Art, so since the lockdowns started, I've been posting a pic-a-day about a photoshoot to promote the Disco Dragon 4 to keep ya'll asses entertained... but that has now escalated into an almost 100 picture series with pretty high res pin-ups of all the girls... and I've decided just to go straight into sex comics. I think I might be able to squeeze 3 mini comics out of it.

In the meanwhile I've been busy with Sen's comic as well as Lali Sutra. But they're going slow due to the photoshoot. Go check it out, it's a lot of fun!

Pic over here is me testing out some 'smart materials' on Sen where I can fade in dirt and sweat as the comic progresses.

Pic below of Lali and Xtina are the first renders from Lali Sutra.

About Deviant Art... things have changed there and it's giving me the chills. DA never made a big deal about the site design and let the art stand central. Now the site has turned into a rather confusing flat-design web-designer's wet-dream project with all the gadgets and bells and whistles and it's become a little impractical almost. The new design 'Eclipse' is not terrible but such a drastic and unnecessary departure from Deviant Art's original feel, and I'm a little worried that they're now focusing trying to become an Art Station and maybe wanting to shed off their amateurish, fetishist, porny, my little pony fanart reputation... which IMO was what made them actually cool and fun and... dare I say it... deviant? I have the feeling they're going down the corporate Tumblr route. So yeah I'm feeling the pressure to make sure I have a back-up site...

So as some of you might know, I've been working on my new website but I made a stupid decision using WIX (Who btw also owns Dviant Art now...). WIX is pretty decent but there are a lot of limitations. So I've started to re-develop the site on a more independent platform and hopefully this time with a gallery where you can comment and shit. I'll let you know here once that is done.

In the meanwhile, good to know you're actually keeping track of me here!

PS: I am Dutch ;) born and raised in Malawi, studied in South Africa and now live in the UK. And I can speak Kombuis Dutch too yes. You can also buy the Disco Dragons at Gumroad or Affect3D ;D